Friday, November 11, 2011

Intolerable Acts and First Continental Congress

We wrapped up the week with our project on the events that led up to the American Revolution.  We discussed the several acts and taxes created by the British government, as well as the colonists' reaction to these laws like the Boston Massacre and the Boston Tea Party.

This coming week class will focus on the final steps towards revolution starting the Intolerable Acts and the First Continental Congress.  You were to read pages 152 to 157 in class, answering questions 3 and 4 on page 157.  You also need to read the notes below and complete the notes quiz.  This needs to be finished Sunday evening by midnight. 

Please email me if you have questions.  Have a great weekend!


Thursday, November 10, 2011

Tax Timeline CFA

Great job in class today.  I think most people are very close to having their poster complete.  Remember that it is due at the beginning of class tomorrow and you will not have class time to get it done.  Here are the links to the 2 sets of notes and the Instructions:

Increase of British Control Notes
Colonial Resistance

Also remember that you have a quiz tomorrow over Chapter 6 Sections 1 and 2.  Use the flashcards from yesterday's post on the blog to study.  Email me if you have any questions.

Have a great night!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Tax Timeline and Chapter 6 Quiz Prep

Great job in class today!  Everyone seems to be off to a good start on their CFA project.  Tomorrow we will continue working on the project and whatever is not finished will be homework for Friday.

My plan tomorrow is to work on our project and take our quiz over Chapter 6 Sections 1 and 2.  If we are not ready for the quiz I will push it back to Friday.  Either way here are flashcards for you to go through in preparation for the quiz.  Email me if you have any questions, otherwise good luck studying!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Colonial Resistance Grows

Tonight your assignment is to read the notes on Chapter 6 Section 2 and answer the questions of the Online Quiz.  The links are available below.  I suggest opening two windows, one for the notes and one for the quiz.  This will make the assignment much easier.
